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Onion Chives Cutter

Onion cutter is really interesting proposal for onion planters because it allows very precise cutting chive just before digging the onion by digger. This machine is manufactured in two versions working width 1,2 and 1,5 m, so that potential buyers will have no trouble matching machine to technology used at home of sowing onion. Onion cutter is made of frame, to which wheels are attached in the area, machanical gear and a team of three mowing heads. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that this machine was designed for the way which allows string it on the front and on the back TUZ of co-action tractor. Drive for heads mower provides PTO, but mowing height is hydraulically controlled form tractor cabin. Operator has possibility to independent mowing height for the left and right sides of the machine in the range from 0 to 40 cm, so that can more accurately adjust the setting to knives share angle or uneven terrain. Each of the three heads is mounted on the two shear knives. Their angle of 45º relative to the ground and mounting specially cambered mowing team make that the set in motion mowing heads produce negative pressure lifting lying on the ground and broken chive upwards. Thanks to such effect follows very exact, almost a real expurgation onion with chive. Should also be noted, that featured cutter is some sort of universal cutter - it can be succesfully pollard the parsley, carrots and red beets, also works well for mowing grass in orchards or clearing of waste land with different types of weeds. It is recommended to aggregate a machine with tractors with power min. 50 KM, which have four outputs of oil hydraulic. If the cooperating tractor has two outputs of hydraulic we offer mounting an additional cutter, two-sectional manipulator, which the operator will be able to accurately adjust the height of mowing.

Presented Companies: 913
Product Collections: 59

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Lena Agromashini EOOD
Lena Agromashini EOOD
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Галерия Естер Ойл Начеви ООД
Галерия Естер Ойл Начеви ООД
Естер Ойл Начеви ООД

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